Well today is one of those days where I can’t think of anything to write. I might just ignore the fact that I have a daily blog to complete if it was just me, but Rudy seems to think that all will go to pot (and civilization as we know it will crumble) if one day is missed so here goes….
Breakfast was uneventful. A cup of tea in the room and a cup of yogurt in the courtyard.
Laundry day! I tried to do it but the woman who runs the hostel insisted and so I have nothing to report on that activity other than it is done and we now have clean clothes.
Adventures?? Really none! The day was hot and I did not venture on any extended walks. I stayed home and finished the Octavia Butler book, Parable of the Sower. It kept me interested and the chaotic world of the future was interesting to contemplate but I was not carried away with the writing style.
Evening Stroll! Before supper we took a short walk to a Mirador. Rudy had put his jeans on to avoid insect bites so he was hot and sweaty and did not want to go far but we saw some great views anyway.
Supper. It was great. I feel like I write way too much about the food we consume in my blog. But since this day’s reporting is short (and not so sweet or even interesting) I will report about the food experience.. The Italian place we went to makes all its own pasta. Rudy had the fettuccini bolognese. I had a delicious caprese salad with some local (and very tasty cheese. ) My drink was lemonade with coconut milk. (I had to include my drink as drinks are one of the best things about eating out here. )The fruit drinks available include Lulo, Pina, Mora, Fresa, Maracuya, Papaya, Mango, etc. and the one today was probably the best.
Back at home we counted our cash and realized we needed to get a bit more out to make it to the end of our stay here in Minca on Thursday. There are no banks here or ATMs but there is some sort of hole-in-the-wall place you can get money from your credit card at a steep interest rate. Well I guess there is no other option.
And that’s it. Another day here in Colombia.