I Guess We’re Done Here, Redux

Despite having a lovely sleep in our cozy little cave, we are making plans to leave these digs and move into a place that is a little better suited for us. The thought of spending a whole week in this small cramped space with no table (to eat at, or do art at, or read the news at, or to blog at) is not great. Our bed is really the only place where we can sit or lie down, although Rudy has joked about putting the placemats (that the apartment has supplied….WHY?) on the bed so we could enjoy our morning coffee and pastries there. I am really not all that keen to have coffee stains and crumbs all over the sheets, our books, computers, sweaty t-shirts, etc.

But enough complaining about such  small discomforts in a world that seems to be coming apart at the seams. (Just a short look at the news is enough to make a person grateful for so many things and fearful for so many others).

On the upside, I was able to do a large load of laundry today. When I say I did, I must amend that. Rudy provided much needed technical support: he plugged in the washer when I struggled to figure out how to get everything started. (duh!) Also, he spun and hung up most of the clothes while I was on the phone with my daughter, Ana and her kids. Of course when I emerged  from the bedroom (well, let me call it the multipurpose room) after the phone call, I had only critical things to say about how the clothes were hung and proceeded to straighten and move them over at least an inch to the left or the right on the drying rack. But despite my incompetence and my critical meddling, I am happy to report that the laundry all dried in record time due to the unbearable temperature in our apartment.

The long and short of All My Puny Sorrows (special nod to Miriam Toews) is that we are moving to another place that is closer to the historic centre of town, has a table and a couch, and a bit more space. Hopefully our perusing of Airbnb places online this afternoon has been fruitful. It is not always clear what a place will be like just by looking at the photos, but we have done our research, rolled the dice, and chosen. We will move tomorrow late afternoon and stay there for a week (god willing).

Once it cooled in the late afternoon we headed out again. The wind is very strong coming off the ocean and I am totally enjoying Rudy’s new updos. His long locks have a mind of their own and at any given moment his look can change from that of Albert Einstein (brilliant thinker) to Phyllis Diller (not so brilliant but super funny). I get more laughs from these style statements than I should and Rudy certainly lets me know.

Rudy on the spiral staircase
Watch your step!

Our evening was similar to the previous one: wandering, watching people, eating fish, and drinking margaritas. After dark we made our way home over rough sidewalks, dodging dog poop, and keeping our eyes out for any suspicious characters. Once home, we unlocked the big steel door, climbed the stifling hot vertical tunnel via the narrow spiral staircase and carefully, so as not to trip and fall to our death, entered the close quarters of our stiflingly hot, but safe, apartment.

Hopefully for the last time!