Today our goal was to walk up to the waterfall about an hour away. By the time we went out for breakfast (scrambled eggs, fruit salad, patacones, and coffee) and got our bathing suits and hiking shoes on, it was past 10:30.
The climb up to the waterfall is not steep for the most part but nonetheless it took more oomph that walking on the prairies does. Once we got there we were sweaty and I was definitely ready for a dip.
The water was cold and refreshing and I was glad I got in. I had imagined something a little more like the place where Augusta and I had swum in a waterfall in Guatemala where there were large pools to relax and move around in. Not so here. But there was wonderful cool spray coming off the rocks and the lush vegetation.
There were also massive hammocks overlooking the gully from which to observe the surrounding countryside. All in all it was a good experience and although Rudy declined to get in the water he took loads of pictures of flowers (and pics of me in the waterfalls).
The walk home was relaxing. It had cooled off some and downhill was much less strenuous so we had a leisurely time. At one point we stopped to enjoy two massive trees.
One had a tunnel in it and when I climbed up to get a closer look it seemed like I might be able to clamber right into the heart of the tree. I wouldn’t have been surprised to meet some wood elves or other creatures inside of it. The massive roots towered over our heads, not to mention how high it was to the top of the canopy. And the circumference of the one tree trunk ENORMOUS!
We were hot and tired by the time we got home. Rudy washed his runners (he’d had a mishap and lost his footing crossing a stream so they were muddy and wet). He also had a million little red dots all over his legs where the tiny mosquitos had bitten him. We both had an ice cold shower in our outdoor facility and then settled down to relax. I don’t know what Rudy did but I went upstairs to the balcony to lie in a hammock and promptly fell asleep.
After this it was time for supper. So back we went to Tacos and Chelas (the Mexican establishment) where we drank a couple of lovely margaritas and ate delicious tacos and burritos. Another perfect day.
Tomorrow is Sunday. A day of rest? I may go for a walk in the countryside by myself with my sketching stuff. Or I might just chill around here. I guess tomorrow will tell.