Back to the Little Waterfall

After some yogurt and a cup of tea I left Rudy nursing his many bug bites on his legs and headed up to the small waterfall. I packed my drawing supplies, my water bottle, and put my swim suit on under my clothes. At the end of our street I stopped at the tienda and bought some galletas de limon (lime icing-filled cookies) and headed up the familiar dirt road. I hadn’t gone far when I joined a young woman from Quebec. She has been travelling on her own for the last five months (through Central and South America) and was almost ready to fly back to Canada. I got some interesting information about places she has been in Colombia which will help us as we move across the country.

The waterfall is small but there are a number of pools and although there were some people there it was not too crowded. The water is cool and refreshing and after a dip I settled down to do some sketching and some people watching. There was  lots to enjoy and it kept me occupied for quite some time.

Soon it was time to return and I phoned Rudy to see if he wanted to go out for some lunch. However, on the way into town I stopped at a tienda and bought a baked plantain that was filled with queso cosqueno and also a homemade sausage with bun and lime. I brought it home and we shared that for lunch along with a beer. We haven’t really eaten very much street food so it was good to try something new.

Rudy headed out late afternoon and after I had worked on blog stuff I headed out to find him. He was at a restaurant overlooking the river.  We decided to stay for supper and over an hour later we got our food.

Now we are back at our place and settling in for the rest of the evening. Perhaps a sit in the hot tub for a while.