Escaping the Bugs

This day is the last in Minca. We head out early afternoon. The bugs have really done a number on Rudy and not so much on me. But this morning as we were digging into a delicious breakfast they descended on me for a final goodbye. Now I am sitting waiting to catch our taxi and am feeling itchy all over.

It is fun to be heading on to a new place. My adrenaline kicks in and I get excited about what there is to see at the new location. The niggling feelings of what has been “not quite perfect” at the present location give way to the optimism of finding a “perfect” place next. But really this stay in Minca has been lovely in so many ways. The peaceful quiet walks on the dirt roads, the waterfalls, the hot tub, and the plethora of great places to eat. We may not find those things at our next place but, maybe the bed will be more comfortable and there won’t be bugs, etc.

Well we arrived at our place in Rodadero. At first glance it is wonderful. It’s not too big but has all the necessities and is in a lovely area close to the beach with a pool on the grounds.

Once we unpacked we headed to the grocery store for supplies for the week. It is going to be so great to be cooking a bit again.