It’s the weekend and the flavour of things around here have changed. Rudy and I noticed it last night when we went out for an evening walk. The malacon was hopping and all the thousands (and this is hardly an exaggeration) of souvenir and trinket shops were open. It seems hardly possible that a person could make a living owning one of these shops. All the merchandise is exactly the same and who really wants this stuff. But I think I underestimate the desire for the average Colombian beachgoer for this type of memorabilia.
This morning when I went for a beach walk I was surprised to see who the beach goers were. Basically they are all Colombian. At least that is how it appeared to me although I did not interview even one of the hundreds I saw. Basically they were families. Whole families walked down the sidewalks toward the beach. Old grandmas and grandpas held the arms of the younger generation, some of them barely able to walk. It was delightful to see the elderly being led into the ocean and steadied in the waves by their people. Families built sandcastles. One young girl I passed had created an elaborate castle in which she had placed her barbie and her barbie’s boat. Bathing costumes were varied. Body shapes were diverse. Everyone was in for the fun and it appeared to me that these Colombians really embraced a day at the beach.
Business was also brisk. Vendors with fleets of huge blow up unicorns, mattresses, kayaks, and ancient paddle boats stood in the shallows, their merchandise on leashes like dogs on a walk. Food vendors and vendors selling plastic pail and blow up life jackets and floaties walked the strip. And yes, the Colombians were buying. I walked to the end of the beach strip and then it was getting hot so I returned home to make breakfast and then go for a dip in the pool.
The pool is my new favourite place and even though it is busy on the weekend it still is worth going for a swim. The water is exactly the right temperature and it is glorious to immerse oneself.
Rudy went down to the beach in the evening to take some sunset pictures. The beach was still full with beach goers.
True to Central and South American culture, things were hopping last night, even in our own patio gardens. The music was loud, the laughter was exuberant, and it all carried on long past midnight. Lucky for us, Rudy and I both are not bothered by noise and we fell asleep to the sound of beats in the courtyard.