Today something that I have worried about has been confirmed. I have learned a new lesson. There is no safe and secure way to cross a busy road! When we first arrived at our present accommodation I was relieved to note that there was a traffic light just a hundred meters up the busy street that borders the front of the complex. I would now not have to worry about dodging traffic to get across the busy roadway. But I have not used it that much as Rudy sees no necessity of walking those extra few meters to cross in safety. So I have mostly looked for a break in traffic and then run to the narrow meridian and then done the same to cross the opposite direction lanes.
But today when I went out early by myself for a walk I decided to cross at the lights. Approaching the lights I observed what happened and, for the most part, it seemed like what I was used to. However once the traffic light turned red and the walking light turned green I realized that red was only a suggestion. The motorcycles were clear on that. They slowed, sometimes, but rarely stopped. The vehicles hesitated to see if I was serious about crossing and, if I at all hesitated, they kept on going. But a firm resolve did not ease my fright. For, even if the buses and cars stopped, the motorcycles wove around the bigger vehicles and continued on. So yah, I made it across but it was not without my heart in my mouth.
Today, I took a different path (I turned left) and made my way, through small streets, towards the ocean. There were still loads of high-rises but also many lovely one-story houses tucked in and dwarfed by the massive multistory buildings. It was quiet on the streets with the occasional dog walker but also I was early enough to see the fish peddlers with their lovely fresh catch for the day, riding their bicycle carts through the quiet neighbourhoods and calling out, “Langostinos, Pescados, Camarones.”
Rudy was under the weather today so didn’t venture far. I did a little exploring and went and read a book on a patio down the street. I also spent a chunk of time painting. In the evening Rudy watched the Jets’ game and I read some more.