Checking Out Our New Place

chocolate donut & cappuccino.
Rudy’s Breakfast

This morning it was Rudy who was ready for an outing and I just wanted to stay inside and have my morning cup of tea. So off he went in search of a great cup of coffee and a tasty pastry. He went to the Juan Valdez coffee place next to our place but it wasn’t open yet so he had to venture further afield. It wasn’t long before he texted me that he was going to walk further to try to find the place we are moving to on Saturday. That was too much for me. I couldn’t miss out on a walk so I told him to wait and I gulped down my tea and headed out. I found him at a lovely little Panaderia down the road. He had just finished his coffee and a chocolate covered donut and he looked quite pleased with himself.

We headed off to check out our new place. It will be great to be in a new neighbourhood and to see some new sights. Rudy took a few pictures on our walk.


By the time we made it back we were both quite sweaty so off we went to the pool for a swim. After that I spent a good part of the afternoon at my ‘paint table’.

Naomi painting at the kitchen table
Artist at work

And Rudy forayed out again for an ice cream cone and to get more beer. The beer he likes is quite a bargain. A six pack costs 13,900 COP which works out to be 81 cents per beer. This evening Rudy is back watching the Jets and I am reading a book.