The historic centre of Cartagena is stunning. The vibe is invigorating. This being said, the heat is oppressive during the day. Rudy and I left our lovely apartment early to find a place for breakfast. We are only here until Tuesday so no sense in buying groceries. We will eat out. The streets were empty this morning (after everyone has had a late night on Saturday, I presume) and it took a while to find a place to eat. For the first time we have found that English is spoken almost everywhere. I guess because people come from all over Europe and North America to visit.
After breakfast we wander around the walled city. Rudy is enamoured with all the brass door knockers and takes time to construct a photo essay of what we see.
We visit the plaza that has a Botero statue. We have noticed a number of copies of Botero paintings in the local artists’ set ups. It is very tempting to get one of the bathroom ones for home. Some of the copies are actually good. After we head to a theatre that features concerts. We wander through the central courtyard which is piled with instruments but we hear no music. It is interesting to catch glimpses of life behind the walls. Many of these walls around the colonial buildings are made from chunks of coral reef.
Soon we are overheated and so head to the La Serrezuela Mall. The word mall does not really describe what this is. Yes it is a large building filled with stores but it is fabulous. It is a large circular structure with a central “theatre-like” space that features a fountain at times and concerts and theatre events at other times. It is inspired by the Spanish colonial architecture and uses beams and wood in beautiful arches and stadium seating. The stores are on the outside of the massive central stadium. There has been no scrimping on materials. Marble floors, incredible open spaces with soaring beams, open air patios, and strange art are all incorporated. Rudy and I walk around all 3 levels (one which is below ground) and marvel at the architecture. I never would think I would say that a mall is a work of art but this sure is. the combination of space and light and materials create an incredible building.
After some downtime at the apartment while Rudy talks to Alex and I read my book I am ready for more exploration. Rudy stays inside to watch the Jets game and I head out. There is no where in particular that I am headed but I end up at the Museo de la Inquisition. It is a bust. Not really much in it but here are some pictures.
After that I keep wandering and this is what I saw.
Back at the apartment I cool off and we head out for a late supper after Rudy finishing watching a disappointing Jets game.
Well not much else to report except that it appears that we have a new prime minister in the making and we are headed for an election. The folks on CBC At Issue Panel had lots to say.