I Guess We Are Done Here!

I guess we are done here in Bogota, at least for the time being. Tomorrow we fly out to Santa Marta and what often happens when I am leaving a place has happened to me today. I had little interest in exploring or any other activity around the city. I guess this type of laziness happens at home as well.

Naomi making her morning tea
Naomi making her morning tea

We sat around for most of the morning. Caught up with the news — checked SteinbachOnline, then CBC, then the New York Times. By now it’s a bit of a routine to do all the New York Times puzzles before breakfast. Speaking of which, Rudy came back from his daily visit to the cafe across the street with a bag of croissants and a cup of coffee. I boiled some water on the stove and made my usual morning cup of tea.

Angle of Repose
Angle of Repose

I had no urge to leave our lodgings and  I spent much of the day reading my book, Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner.  It is a riveting book but I had never heard of it despite the fact it won a Pulitzer Prize in 1972. It’s about a wheelchair-using historian, Lyman Ward, who has lost connection with his son and living family and decides to write about his frontier-era grandparents. I highly recommend it. It investigates the idea of home and rootedness as well as what happens in a marriage so that an “angle of repose” can be maintained. These themes are studied in the context of the mining and gold rush of the American West. I am learning about people and places in that time period as well.

Rudy and I did manage to get out for a short walk at around one o’clock. We ended up going back to the ‘French Patisserie’ where we ate yesterday. Today I had a vegetarian crepe and Rudy ordered a chicken crepe dish. (Yummers) By the time we were done our late lunch, the skies opened up and it poured. It REALLY poured! We sat hoping it would let up soon, but it actually rained for quite a long time. We decided to order a couple of coffees (yes, I have developed a bit of a taste for coffee) and some French pastries. And when we were finished our ‘dessert’, the rain stopped and we headed back home.

Rudy went online and checked us in for our flights tomorrow and I scouted out some Airbnb possibilities for later this month. We wasted away what remained of the afternoon, reading and doing sudokus,

And now back to more hours of book reading before bed.