The rooster who resides close by was crowing and had been for quite some time when I finally opened my eyes this morning. It was late and I had slept in. Rudy had as well. Perhaps we had both not slept well. Me because I was hogging the top sheet all night long and had to keep vigilant so Rudy would not be comfortable. And Rudy because he was cold and disoriented, perhaps thinking he was fighting the winter chill in Manitoba.
We had been planning on going out for waffles but by the time we got organized it seemed too late for breakfast so I made omelettes again and had it with sliced avocado.
After breakfast I hauled out my art supplies determined to use the tutorial I watched online yesterday evening (thanks Drawing with Debbie) and attempt a different looser style. I got my 3 water colour washes mixed, went up to the terrace and roughed in a plant with my pencil and applied the 3 general areas of colour. Back in the apartment I used a pencil to draw the subject and then used pencil crayons and a bit more water colour to create shade and shadow. Why am I telling you all this? Not sure, but Debbie gave a running commentary of what she was doing and I thought I could as well. I had a lot of fun just playing around with shapes and colours and maybe even learned something. I also have been having fun doing blind drawings as an exercise in line study. There is only one of us on this trip that totally loves the rough illustrations of Rudy that I come up with while I am drawing with my eyes closed.
In the afternoon I headed out a bit to walk along the beach. I hadn’t been there in daylight and it was not very good. The water is filthy due to a number of factors: coal ships docking at the harbour, general pollution and sewage. There were some locals swimming but it was all I could do to wade up to my ankles. I went quite a ways down the beach and nothing really changed. It was super discouraging. I came back and cooled at the pool and tried to forget about the ocean. I won’t be going down there again.
As usual supper hour is one of the best times of the day. Rudy and I sit for a few hours drinking and eating and enjoying great conversation. When away from friends and other family and only having each other to converse with brings up a whole range of conversations and time just flies.
I feel like I am settling in and looking forward to tomorrow.