Mangos, Guacamole, Razor-Wire, and Chalk-Talks

Have I waxed eloquent enough about how delicious the fruit is? Today is another day with which we can enjoy the fresh produce. Mangos, pineapple, and bananas on our pancakes this morning. And fresh guacamole with our chips this afternoon.  What more can I say about the day? Not much as we basically did nothing.

Well one other thing. I saw a strange thing on the way home from supper yesterday. It bears mentioning as I am sure that there is some author out there that needs this image as inspiration for a novel, short story, or article. On the top of a high cinderblock wall and entangled in the razor wire was something that looked like a child’s toy. Chilling, weird, and definitely worth taking note of. On closer inspection it looked to be a stuffed toy. Perhaps a clown? How did this clown get there? What was the story behind it?

Please someone take the idea and run with it.  Can I start you off on that story? Maybe set in some dystopian future. Here goes….

“The little girl wondered what was outside the wall. She was ten years old  and had never been out. Smoke occasionally billowed over the walls. The smell of something rotten blew in when the wind came from the west, the place the old ones called the Desolation. She sat every afternoon under the transformer that kept the lights going and wondered. And one day she decided she could not bear the unknowing any longer. It was time to let her toy clown take a trip over the wall.”

Go ahead. I’ll be waiting to hear more….

Anyway, enough of that. One day runs into the next and we are as lethargic as the weather dictates. And let me tell you the heat is quite something. This morning I went out early to see whether I could get some brisk walking in before I began to wilt. I lasted about a half hour and had to come home. But I did follow the river to where it meets the ocean and it was a quiet spot which is sometimes hard to come by here. I also watched some fishermen haul in a net which was cool but in the end anticlimactic. There were only a few fish and not very big. The men and boys ended up throwing handfuls of fingerlings back into the ocean.

Back at home I had a couple of great swims in the pool and managed to produce one very terrible tourist painting. Rudy laughed and said that it might be useful for a chalk-talk and that I shouldn’t feel like the time I put in was entirely wasted. Would anyone like me to do a missionary report when I get back to Canada? I am open to some speaking engagements!!

Well, we ended the evening with a walk to the mall and the Dollar City store. I am running out of yellow watercolour paint and the only place I could find to replace it was there. So folks, don’t fret. If I have more days like this there will be a lot more paintings for my chalk-talks complete with a big ole yellow sunsets and palm trees.



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