Same same!!

Well, I really have nothing new or exciting to share today.  A travel blog is hard to keep up when we are not moving anywhere.  We have sat in one place too long but we do not leave Santa Marta until Thursday. Life is good here but it has little to do with any new discoveries in our physical surroundings. The discoveries that I have had have to do with seeing a street corner in a new way that causes me want to take pencil to paper.  It doesn’t even have to be a street corner. It can be a shelf in the apartment or a pot on the rooftop terrance. I continue to enjoy the experience of drawing. It is like learning a new way to say something. So, life is good here but nothing mind blowing to report.

Like many of you (because it was Monday) I did laundry. It took a little longer as I had to figure out a strange washing apparatus that has directions in Spanish. But all worked out and our damp clothes are hanging around the apartment. We continue to do some light cooking in our apartment during the day, but always go out for supper.

We went out for our usual late afternoon walk. There is definitely a safe core area within which we walk and then a seedy area beyond. All in all this central area of town around the port is dirty and sometimes uncomfortable. I don’t wander far even when I am with Rudy. But we did take some great pics this evening and watched the sun set on the ocean.

The wind is wild here. I looked it up and the breeze is names “la loca” and it certainly often feels crazy. All evening and night the wind whistles and screeches  through the windows of our apartment. Sometimes when I close my eyes it feels like I am listening to a Manitoba blizzard just outside my door. But no, we are here.