Travel Arrangements

Today I got up and just wanted to read my book or paint on my new large pieces of watercolour paper but we needed to do some more arranging for the next leg of our stay in Colombia. We tried to negotiate a longer time at the place we are staying at because we are enjoying it so much but only managed to get another couple of days as they are booked after that. We talked and checked and looked at our calendar and where we all wanted to go yet and juggled dates and combed through Airbnb listings, and followed bus routes up the coast, and checked for deals on flights from Cartagena to Medellin and back and forth and back and forth until we were sick and tired of it all. The long and short of it is that even though we spent a huge chunk of the day on all these travel arrangements we have some stuff nailed down.

Well after all that I needed a swim. There is absolutely NOTHING like a swim in the huge pool here. I cannot say enough how rejuvenating it is to slide into the water and swim back and forth from end to end. The only thing missing is a swimming partner. I am struck with how grateful I am that dad and mom insisted that we take swimming lessons and that we had the Boissevain pool to swim in most days during the summer (as well as the lakes in the Turtle Mountains).

Now it is evening. We have walked on the beach and feasted on fresh fish. The only thing left to do is snuggle up with my book and enjoy the rest of the evening.